Sorry for the lack of a knitting post yesterday. I have a comp this Saturday (
THIS SATURDAY! D:), a presentation, a paper topic, and lots of Latin and Greek due today
. I'm glad John got his bettas in, even though he is working furiously on his thesis (did you see them?! Aren't they cute?!). I'll tell you what, after this semester, we
deserve a big ol' vacation. No worries. We have one lined up! :)
In any case, I was way too embarrassed to show anyone the sad state of my knitting 'nook', which occupies all of my living room. I have only recently become a stasher and that is only because school has sucked up all of my time and I can't knit as quickly as I buy yarn for specific projects. Easy fix: I'll catch up this summer.
I also LOVED reading everyone's knitting aspirations. :) You've inspired me!

Today's prompt, however, wants us to expound on the whereabouts of some of our knitting projects. Let me tell you! I don't have a clue. I'm a selfish knitter and every time I knit something for someone, I wonder why I don't see it more often or hear about it. Then, I decide not to knit for anyone ever again. But I do. And the cycle begins again. There's a baby blanket and two twin baby hats, an adorable teddy bear (I simply have no way of knowing what has become of that, but I suspect it is very loved), two sweaters, a vest, six scarves (and a lost/stolen one :( ), a pair of gloves, two hats, and two pairs of mittens out in the world. One pair of mittens was pictured last post, but both pairs are
I've heard talk of one sweater being pretty great. The other made a surprise appearance when I was home in May or December, as did one scarf, which took me
very much by surprise. It was the second scarf I had ever knit. I made it for my dad when he bought his mid-life-crisis motorcycle. That was probably five years ago. Never saw it. Never. Until May, when it magically appeared on his bedroom doorknob. He never wore it, it just hung there. Don't know why. Didn't ask. But it was there. And I was happy. I've used that pattern two or three times more with great acclaim.

Yet again, I'm going to bend the rules and go off on a slightly related tangent. Just in the last few weeks, I answered a call for knitted donations. They will be in a dance performance, then they will be donated to the needy. I gave up two of my least favorite (and worst-fitting) sweaters. I feel a little bad about giving rejects, but I figure some little girl (I think I mentioned I had gauge/bust measurement issues for a very long time) will like them much more than I. It was hard, even though I was not fond of the finished objects. John even tried to talk me out of it, I think. The girl who accepted them was very, very grateful and made me feel pretty good about it. I may go to the performance to bid them farewell.
I don't feel particularly attached to things I knit as gifts or on commission, but I knit these sweaters for me and probably wore them a couple of times (even though sadly small...). I was pretty attached to them. But as soon as I remembered that I could reknit them and make them even
better (like not in Red Heart or flesh-tones), I was comforted.
Would you ever give your old sweaters away? If you knit yourself a new one just like it, would it be the same?
Thanks again for stopping by. I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's posts and meeting so many new people!