I've been draggin' my feet all day (and not only because of my 10 lb snow boots!), so a blog post should be no exception, right? :)
Racing Stripes
Leg Warmers by Jane Richmond
Yarn: Cascade
Alpaca Lana d'Oro in Hare and Navy
Needles: US 8
Project Page
We got some snow last night. I was braced for some serious blizzard action, but it was actually really pretty, big flakes with almost no wind at all. I think we got five inches in all and, as usual, no one in our neighborhood was plowed out until 2 or 3 pm, long after we all needed to be somewhere that the rest of town could get to easily by 8 am. :P

In any case, these legwarmers are timely. They would have been
more timely if I had woven the ends in when I finished them earlier this week (though that didn't stop me from wearing them on Monday or Tuesday when it was a bitter -19 degrees out), but I got all that out of the way on the bus-ride home so I could wear them this evening and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and....They are incredibly warm! I'm nuts about them! Best stash-busting project ever!
I have thick calves for someone my size, so I had the inclination when I began to cast on an extra 4 stitches. I didn't. I'm a little bit sorry that I didn't, but I keep wondering how well they would stay up if I had. As they are now, they don't budge, but they look tight, and I'm not sure I like that. When I switched colors, I knit one row around, which resulted in the very clean line. I thought I would notice the knit row, but it's not obvious even if I look for it.
All in all, an awesome project. Probably my favorite practical knit!
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Tami's Amis! I have to go fight with a hat before bed, so goodnight! I hope you all have an amazing weekend. I'll post Monday, promise. :)
P.S. These are not my 10 lb snow boots and both legwarmers have a blue end, I just wore them in different directions for demonstrative purposes. ;)