Monday, May 14, 2012

The Trip!

Today we are off to Omaha to leave the buns with Gma while we're away for a whole week on the Olympic Peninsula! We are so excited! John bought a new camera that I've been trying to learn how to use super fast. It's actually been pretty easy! Turns out all that fiddling with my sub-par camera for so long make using an awesome camera just that much easier and more amazing! Here are some annoyed bunny pics to prove it. :)

Anyway, we'll be gone until next Tuesday, but I've scheduled posts for Wednesday and Friday of this week to make up for my absence here last week. We'll bring back amazing photos and I'll tell you about Churchmouse Yarns & Teas. I'm really, really excited about that. Almost as much as spending a week hiking the coast with my boy! Have a fantastic week!

P.S. Don't fret if your comments don't show up. I have to be here to approve them, which I won't be able to do until next Tuesday, but I'll read them, publish them, and reply to them as usual as soon as I get back!


  1. Make sure you see the rainforest! We went to the HOH rainforest area - it was really, really neat.

    1. We did! I had driven through part of it before, but walking through it was really an other-worldly experience.


Thank you for reading and commenting! I love to hear what's on your mind!