Friday, March 29, 2013


I totally had this written and waiting for photos Wednesday and simply forgot to post it! Double posts today! Yay!

I'm taking a break. It's one thing to read endlessly for an exam, but another to have to grade and do homework on top of it. :P

Today, as a reward for plowing through the last of Thucydides rather quickly was to photograph recent stash acquisitions and make a pile of yarn to take up to the safety of a plastic tub upstairs. I think an insect has invaded my stash basket downstairs and nibbled through some yarn. Remnants of my Madtosh Tosh Merino Light are really the only evidence I have for this, so I might be paranoid, but better safe than sorry. I'm moving skeins that don't have project attachments upstairs since the rest should be knit soon(ish).

I have been doing some serious stash acquiring, despite my resolution to stash-down this year (which I've also been doing! Promise!). I won't show you everything, but I did want to show you these pretties:

This is a box of yarn from Korea! My friend Carol brought it back for me because I help her with her knitting at the shop from time to time and have translated (and still need to) French knitting patterns for her. She actually went to Korea and brought it back for me! She's the best. I'm thinking Deco.

These are Madelinetosh Tosh Sock bound for a Celestarium. I think this summer deserves a complicated knit to revive my mushy brain. If you want to knit it too, maybe I can organize a KAL,eh? That would be fun! Anyway, the colorway is called "Cosmos", which I thought was perfect, but once it came, it was more variegated and greener than I thought. I think they will still work.

I have socks for you Friday! Come see! I'll likely need another break. All this history is overwhelming. That's why I left the poetry for last. :)

I'm curious: how do you organize your stash? I know some do it by color, some by weight, some by project-commitment, and others just hide it in every nook of the house (that's where mine was heading and I knew John wouldn't put up with if for long). How does your organization work for you? Can you find things easily? That's my worry. Don't you love the Ravelry stash page? I hate that it tells me how many yarns I have stashed. I don't want to know that. :P

For more WIP Wednesday posts, go to Tami's Amis!


  1. Cosmos is gorgeous. I think it will be perfect for that project. Oh, man I've been refilling my stash too. But, I rationalize that I don't eat much and am otherwise cheap to keep. I try to organize my yarn by fiber type, wool being in the most protective containers. The ones just stuffed somewhere are usually the ones I'm about to use. :)

    1. It is, isn't it? Good rationalization! Good stash organization, too! :)

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about the stash eating pest! How annoying! I don't really have a stash system, I just stack it around my living room, but I also don't have a whole lot. The Korean yarn looks so pretty! I'm tempted to knit Celestarium along with you, I wanted to knit it the moment I saw it.

    1. It was just the one skein, so I hope it's just an imaginary or very full pest. :) If I lived alone, my yarn would be all over the place. :D I want to knit it with you! Maybe this summer?

  3. Gabrielle and I are both planning on doing Celestarium in the near future. We both have the yarn, just need to go bead shopping.

    1. Sweet! I need beads too. We should make a field trip. :)

  4. okay, celastarium is seriously cool!

    and i love deco, and that green looks great for it!

    as for my stash, i have a dedicated closet for it. i have an ikea wire basket-thingy (ugh, helpful, right? i think it's the <a href=">antonius</a>, two, stacked.) i organize by weight, lightest at the top, heaviest at the bottom. i keep my leftover & partial skeins in a separate basket, and those i keep in gallon freezer bags organized by color. i like this system a lot. everything is very visible and easily accessible. and i really try not to let my stash expand past the closet too much. mixed results, but it does give me a very defined space to fill!


Thank you for reading and commenting! I love to hear what's on your mind!