Monday, March 18, 2013

Break Time

I had a fabulously lazy weekend with John and every intention of beginning my studies today for the dreaded exam in three weeks, but I just can't shake the lazy. I've been watching tv, knitting, catching up on blogs, and tending to two virtual cities (I'm such a nerd). The pile of books are waiting patiently for me.

Part of me really looks forward to diving into them, because this is what I love to do and I chose to bring home many of the authors I've been itching to read or reread for years to study first. In order to prepare for the exam, I have to work through a reading list I was provided my first year of grad school. There are works from 17 Greek authors (plus an anthology) and 16 Latin authors. I have to read them all. I'll do it mostly in translation, but my vocabulary retention is so bad for Greek, that the more I can read in the original language, the better. It should be fun, I just have to force myself to take the first step.

The anxiety about this exam has made me think I might not take it and all and just leave school then, but the closer it looms, the more accepting I am of it. I will have to get my hands on the last two or three exams this week so I can study and be fully prepared, but I feel better about it all the time. Just cross your fingers for me when the day comes!

Enough about me. I hear Google Reader is gone! I just use my Blogger blog-list to read all the blogs I follow, so I'm afraid I don't know what to do for those of you losing your favorite reader. If you have to switch readers now and there is anything you need me to do to make it easier for you to read our posts on the new one, let me know! I keep telling John we need some fish back on the blog. He's been busy, but the more we push, the more likely he will cave. ;)

I'm living it up this week, so expect the usual Wednesday and Friday posts!


  1. I hear most are going to Bloglovin', I just downloaded feedly and though it's soooo different and I'm sure it'll take time to get used to it, I am liking it so far.

  2. Feedly is offering a no-hassle switch:

  3. Please don't give up on grad school! You've worked so hard to get to this point, you deserve that degree! You are very intelligent, hardworking, and talented, you can do this!

  4. i use bloglovin to keep track of my blogroll! i never used google reader, so i don't really know how it compares, but i like it just fine.


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