Saturday, April 6, 2013

Waving, not Drowning

I was drowning and didn't post, but here it is a day later and exam done! :)

I'm only now climbing out of an avalanche of books (and only for a short while!), so forgive my broken promise that I'd be back Wednesday! Instead of showing you John's poorly photographed (and knitted :P) socks, I think I'll just show you Sybil's progress! She's getting bigger (though it is very tiny...) and very cute. ;)

I must now re-devote myself to Latin literature. The big exam is tomorrow. :S Cross your fingers! I feel pretty good about it, but only time will tell. I can't wait to come right home and cast on a new sweater (after I write an article introduction for the #&$*th time, work on an incredibly tedious presentation, and work on another exam :P)!

Are you going to Jurassic Park this weekend?! We are SO EXCITED!!! Can you believe it's been 20 years?! So classic....

And if you're really upset about the socks, you can see them here. They're really kind of boring. Just some brown dress socks. Go look at everyone else's prettier FOs. :)


  1. Love the color combo of your sweater. I have a pullover I am thinking about redoing as a cardigan, same color combo, you have inspired me!

    1. Yay! :) I think it looks super chic. I'll be looking for yours!

  2. They are reshowing Jurassic Park?! Awesome! Go miss latin girl! You can do this. I'm amazed that you are going to grad school for that (you must be super smart), it must be really tough, I know I couldn't do it. Sybil is looking very pretty of course : )

    1. They are and it is totally worth it! It's maybe my favorite movie ever. Latin AND Greek. It gets rough sometimes, but it's not science, so my studies pale in comparison to yours!

  3. sybil is looking very cute!

    and we are ABSOLUTELY going to see jurassic park imax 3D. SQUEE!

    good luck with your big exam!

  4. I love your take on this cardigan! Inspired! Also I'm pretty impressed with your determination in school. I'd love to have all that knowledge floating around in my head.

    1. Thanks! It's turning out so much better than I imagined. It's actually really cool to be able to pull so much knowledge from my head. I didn't realize how much of it I had accumulated over the years. Most of it falls out after the semester ends. :)


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